The Beginning
Here I am writing my first post- finding myself excited for this new journey as a blogger :) I have always envied people who have these awesome blogs and have an ability to share what's going on in their lives in a way that is interesting and relatable. In some ways I hope that my blog can be like that- and yet my goal is not to entertain everyone who crosses my page. My goal is to treat this page as a creative outlet. That is something that I have been working on these days as I figure out what this "new" life as a current housewife has for me. I am stretching my creativeness.
Last night, I found myself working on 5 different projects at once- attempting to make my new home a somewhat artsy (in a Mindy sort of way) comfortable abode where I can be proud of my newfound craftiness, handiness, and stretch myself in new ways. It is a work in progress, as is this blog. Like my projects at home, it is going to be a bit messy as I figure out I want it to look like and how pretty or artsy or creative I want it to be.
Post one- check.