Strangeness of life
Here I am sitting outside on a beautiful 64 degrees and sunny filled day in March - I have my iced vanilla latte in one hand and my latest read "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" in the other. Its pretty much a perfect set up. As I sit here with my feet up and soaking up the sun probably getting my first sunburn of the season, I've decided to take a break from my reading and observe my surroundings.
I'm at a coffee shop with the lake basically across the road. The sun is shining with a light breeze just enough to keep from sweating in my jeans and a tshirt. To the right of me are two young girls probably in college eating lunch in their trendiness. To the left of me are many groups of 2s enjoying the sun eating lunch and chatting. And then there are the few others like me- sitting on their own, observing, relaxing, reading or what have you.
Looking around and seeing all these people going about their lives with who knows what kind of schedule, it makes me think about how interesting life is. From students to young professionals, to the hippy trendy artist to the maybe retired or the stay at home mom or the random newlywed, newly unemployed 20 something who is just trying to find inspiration to figure out what's next ( that's me)- everyone's life is so different.
So here I am yet again asking myself "what am I doing with my life?" Theres a few things I do know. Overall I have nothing to complain about. God is good, I have a wonderful husband, my family rocks and I'm healthy. I have a good education under my belt, I'm determined and can do anything I put my mind to. I got a job straight out of college that may have very well been my dream job. I worked there for 3 years, the church went through "restructuring" and so here I sit wondering whether I am going to find another position that truly fits me like (for the most part) my last one did. It's weird to think that my 'dream job' may have came and went already. And yet, is that really a good way to think? I know that God has something great in store for me, but what it is? No idea.
I've decided in some ways that I'm pretty much in a state of waiting. Waiting for what or for how long- I am not sure. But waiting seems to be what I'm left with at the moment until I feel the guidance to pursue what's next. It's days like today, sitting in the beautiful sunshine surrounded by other people who may or may not be in the same boat as me wondering what's next, that I feel content, at peace, and hopeful.
So that's where I'll be today. Thankful for all that's good in my life and hopeful for what's to come. It's weird how much a nice day can affect your perspective; get outside and join me today in hope.
I'm at a coffee shop with the lake basically across the road. The sun is shining with a light breeze just enough to keep from sweating in my jeans and a tshirt. To the right of me are two young girls probably in college eating lunch in their trendiness. To the left of me are many groups of 2s enjoying the sun eating lunch and chatting. And then there are the few others like me- sitting on their own, observing, relaxing, reading or what have you.
Looking around and seeing all these people going about their lives with who knows what kind of schedule, it makes me think about how interesting life is. From students to young professionals, to the hippy trendy artist to the maybe retired or the stay at home mom or the random newlywed, newly unemployed 20 something who is just trying to find inspiration to figure out what's next ( that's me)- everyone's life is so different.
So here I am yet again asking myself "what am I doing with my life?" Theres a few things I do know. Overall I have nothing to complain about. God is good, I have a wonderful husband, my family rocks and I'm healthy. I have a good education under my belt, I'm determined and can do anything I put my mind to. I got a job straight out of college that may have very well been my dream job. I worked there for 3 years, the church went through "restructuring" and so here I sit wondering whether I am going to find another position that truly fits me like (for the most part) my last one did. It's weird to think that my 'dream job' may have came and went already. And yet, is that really a good way to think? I know that God has something great in store for me, but what it is? No idea.
I've decided in some ways that I'm pretty much in a state of waiting. Waiting for what or for how long- I am not sure. But waiting seems to be what I'm left with at the moment until I feel the guidance to pursue what's next. It's days like today, sitting in the beautiful sunshine surrounded by other people who may or may not be in the same boat as me wondering what's next, that I feel content, at peace, and hopeful.
So that's where I'll be today. Thankful for all that's good in my life and hopeful for what's to come. It's weird how much a nice day can affect your perspective; get outside and join me today in hope.