In Love with Life: Blog Love
A couple weeks ago, I shared about how the statement "Be in love with your life. Every minute of it." really challenged me to think about what it means to be in love with life. It made me think about how I can choose to be joyful - to choose to be glad and turn my back on the darkness that is so much a part of this world. Since first thinking about this statement, and considering how it affected my life I have decided that this is going to be somewhat of a "New Year's Resolution" for me. I want to challenge myself to "choose to be glad" by being intentional about doing things that I love, doing things that bring joy to my life. I am really excited about this challenge, because I think it will be a great adventure. It will give me an opportunity to pursue fun, to be creative, come up with new activities to try out, to basically find more fun to be had.
My goal is to share with you once each week about how I am pursuing joy, or more fun in my life. I'd like for it to become a regular feature on my blog. I think it will be a great way to dwell on the joy in my life, and to share with you in hopes that you, too, might find more joy!
With that said, I'd like to share with you my first feature of In Love with Life. This past week I decided to finally take the jump and explore more in developing my blog. For the past year, this blog has been a fun adventure- just something that I have done here and there whenever I felt like it. Over the past few months, its been on my heart to put more effort into my blog. I'm not sure where it's coming from, or where it's going to end up- but it's been something that motivates me, gets me inspired and so I'm going for it!
My first step in developing my blog, (besides the random google searches on how to make it prettier, mess with the html coding and css, etc) is taking an e-course created by the lovely Elsie at A Beautiful Mess. What it is, is an online course with 12 sessions where Elsie helps you think through a lot of blog basics. I'm only two weeks in, but so far we've covered topics such as "What's the point?" and "Finding your Online Voice." Honestly, I'm LOVING it so far. It has helped me really think through what I am doing this for and what I want it to be, what I don't want it to be, etc. [If you want to know more about the course, click on the button on my sidebar- Blog Love Student.]
This is just the beginning of this journey, but I am so excited about it- and so excited to be able to share with you what I'm learning and loving. My hope is that I might not just develop my blog to be something beautiful, but also that I might learn more about myself, and through the process be an encouragement to you too.
Have a fabulous week- and go seek some fun!! :)