"I want to write a book when I grow up."
Just like every little girl, (yup, that's me- on the left, with my lovely sister) I used to dream about what I wanted to be "when I grew up." At one point, all I could dream about was being a waitress or a cashier. Many hours were spent in the basement at my childhood home, where my sister and I took turns being the customer while the other spotlighted the much coveted role as waitress, grocery store cashier, or even as Dairy Queen employee. Since then, these dreams have faded into the background- just a fun memory gone by. I never became a waitress. I never worked at Dairy Queen. I did work at a Christian bookstore for 3 years where I got to enjoy the pleasure of ringing people up on the cash register. So I guess you can check cashier off my list. woohoo! But there are a few dreams that I remember stating often when asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" that still ring true as ever- that I'm still pursuing as I work towards this whole growing up thing.
One of those dreams was, I always wanted to be a writer. In fact I used to imagine myself working for a Christian magazine, writing articles, doing interviews, and maybe even one day being the editor. That and, I always told myself I would write a book someday. [I guess in some ways you can check that off the list- my Christmas present one year was one of those awesome projects where you got to be author and illustrator, and at the end you sent it in and received a hard-cover copy of your very own book! This was pretty darn cool, I must admit.] As I went through high school and the beginning of college, my passion for writing continued. I loved writing papers, took a few journalism classes and wrote for the Ripon College newspaper, called College Days. (Check em out -here, here, and here. They're kind-of entertaining, hah.) But somewhere after Sophomore year, I veered away from this passion and pursued a major in Religion and a minor in French. Super random combo right? Although I don't regret that choice of focus at all, (it led me to my beloved job working with the college ministry at Elmbrook Church) it has been since getting married and joining the blogging world that this passion for writing has been re-ignited.
The long and short of it is- I've realized that I'm not quite ready to let go of my childhood dream. Wanting to be a writer is still very present in my heart.
In fact, I'm excited to share that I've actually made a step in continuing and pursuing my passion for writing. Yesterday, I made my debut as a contributor for a website called Circle of Friends that serves to reach and encourage women in their walk with the Lord. Through this website, many different authors write devotionals or blog posts, sharing what God's doing in their lives and encouraging the many women who frequent the page. I am so excited to have been given an opportunity to be one of these contributing authors and share my heart by writing a blog post twice a month. [Here's my first post . Tag along on this new adventure, if you'd like!] I'm glad to be a part of this mission, and look forward to what God has in store.
So I guess you can consider that 'Step 1' in pursuing one of my dreams. I have no idea if I'll ever reach the point of getting a book published, but I have every intent of continuing to dream and moving forward with hope.
Is there a dream that is heavy on your heart? Maybe you, too, should consider going for it! Even though we may be somewhat "grown up", no one said we had to stop dreaming.