Why hello, Canon T4i!!
Yesterday as the UPS truck pulled up, I couldn't help but book it down the stairs to meet the beautiful brown box labeled B&H Photography with my name on it. But before I tell you about the joyful, early birthday goodies that were inside, I have to give you a brief backstory and a much deserved shout out.
Not only do I have the cutest, but I also have the sweetest grandpa in the whole world. I mean, check it out- isn't he adorbs? [This pic is from his birthday in March.]
I, along with the 3 other grandkids, have been so blessed (maybe we better call it, spoiled) by him over the years that I cannot begin to express the gratitude that I have for him. As we've gotten older and grown out of the "I want 10,000 toys and candy and presents" phase, we keep telling him that we don't want him to spend money on us. And yet, the stubborn and sweet man that he is, he continues to bless us over and again with his generosity. Which leads me to the brown box...
For a couple years now, I've been thinking about how someday I would like to learn more about photography. I took a couple classes back in the good ole highschool days, where it was all film photography and we got to use the darkroom and everything. It was fantastic; I loved it. But over the years, I just haven't really done much with it. I have a point and shoot camera, but let's be honest I've been using my iPhone and Instagram a lot more than anything else.
I think it was researching wedding photographers and receiving our beautiful photos by the lovely Marissa Maharaj and continuing to gawk at her photos along with others like Meghan Klein, that really inspired me to think, I want to take cool photos someday too. I'm pretty sure I won't ever come close to being as fabulous as either of these two, but one can hope and aspire right?
With all that said, my grandpa loves loves loves when we actually have an idea to give him for our birthday. Usually we say, well I don't need anything, I don't know- and he gives us money or gift cards or something... but this year I did my research, asked a lot of questions and found a great deal via B&H Photography that I pointed my Grandpa towards as an idea. Two weeks later, and 5 days before my actual birthday I received this beautiful package featuring a Canon Rebel T4i, lens, and all sorts of other goodies (image above). I am such a lucky, blessed little lady. I called my g-pa immediately and told him how thankful and ecstatic I am about the oh-so-generous gift that he gave me.
I have no idea what I am getting myself into. I have A LOT to learn. But I am so excited about it. And so so so blessed to have been given the opportunity by my loving Grandpa.
So cheers to loving grandparents, and all things birthday!
Check out the stellar birthday party I had last year.