In Love with Life: The Define School
Remember when you were little and older people used to tell you "time flies when you get older!"? I remember hearing that all the time, but thinking to myself- yeah right, the school year is creeping along. And here I am 27 years old and I catch myself being that older person saying, Oh my gosh isn't time flying!?
With that said, I feel like it has been a crazy past couple of weeks/month. School is done- which I know doesn't apply to me, but my sis is a teacher so I feel like it does. Warmer weather is finally showing its face in WI (and hopefully staying?). People are traveling right and left. Soo many weddings are coming up. And well, I'm just trying to keep up with all of it. Although I'm not being the world traveler, nor do I have the exciting step of getting married coming up, I do have something that I am right in the midst of that I am pretty darn excited about. I am taking a photography class!!
I received my first DSLR as a birthday present from my sweet Grandpa in May, and since I don't really know how to use it other than on the auto setting, I decided that it would be a good idea to take a photography class. It's an online class called From Auto to Manual through The Define School. I heard about it through my Instagram feed, and I am glad I did. It's not your typical online class because it's more hands-on. At the end of each lesson, each student submits some photos to be reviewed and critiqued by our teacher. I am only one homework submission into the class, but the critique was already really helpful. I'm really excited about this class, and look forward to learning how to use my camera to it's full extent.
I am really thankful for this opportunity and thankful that my husband is so sweet in supporting me as I try to continue my learning experiences as an adult. Continuing to take opportunities to learn and figure out who you are is a great way to be intentional about being in love with life, dontcha think?
Watch out for some of my "homework" as I learn how to use my camera and practice, in hopes of capturing some beautiful images.
Cheers to photography and photos and all their loveliness.