Re-finding the FREEDOM & FUN in re-designing
For quite sometime now, I have been dreaming up how I want to re-organize and re-design my little space on the web. I am still in the process of dreaming this up- it is on my ever growing list of things I want to do... but I've felt the need to wait for a "big reveal" sort of moment when I had all my little eggs in a basket and had every corner of my blog re-designed and set to go. But then last night, as I was playing with the A Beautiful Mess app on my iPad, I created a little placeholder for what I hope will someday be an amazing and fitting header. It was fun to make, and I like the feel of it so I decided to get over my perfectionistic attitude for a little bit and allow myself to throw it up here until I figure out my new and complete redesign. (And this header finally has my new blog name on it!) I had been so stuck on this "wait till it's perfect" mentality, that I think I took away some of the fun of having a blog in the first place. I felt a sense of returned freedom as I let go of that mentality and simply changed the image that took place at the top of my page. So this is me saying, watch out- I'm cutting loose and letting myself have fun with random changes and redesigns on my page.
I really look forward to the day where I can look at my page and feel proud and satisfied with what I've created. I know that it will come, someday. For now I am just going to keep plugging along, keep learning (I'm taking a class about re-designing my own blog by the ladies over at ABM called Blog {Design} Love!) and keep dreaming up my perfect design.
Who knew I was limiting my own freedom and fun?! Cheers to cutting loose and finding joy in things that are less than perfect.