28 and counting...

27 was quite the year...

These are just a few of the memorable moments that took place during my 27th year.  Learning how to navigate a season of grief, adjusting to a new home and a role as housewife, fun times with friends, lots of laughter with family, feeling content mixed with desires to know more, to be more, and holding dear to the loved ones the Lord has blessed me with, are just a few of the other highs and lows that make this year it's own.  

I have SO much to be thankful for.  God is sooo good, and I am incredibly blessed by the way that He continually extends me grace and loves me even when I don't deserve it.  As I think about turning 28, and preparing for another year in my life, Proverbs 16:9 comes to mind.  It says, "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps."  My prayer is that this verse would be echoed in the way that I navigate my life this next year- that He would lead me in the way I should go, and that each step would glorify Him.  

Cheers to 28!  Can't wait to see what this next year holds.