Bonjour June

I don't think I have ever been so excited to see June!  Probably because with this June has come WARM WEATHER!  Woohooo!!!! It has been so good to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and see a little color on my skin, and to just enjoy being outside without freezing my toes off. I am sooo thankful!!!

With the arrival of June, it's time to see how I did on my May to-do list:

  • celebrate my birthday!! Watch out 28, I'm coming for ya!- CHECK
    My birthday was lovely.  I didn't do anything crazy, as I didn't feel like hosting a hoopla.  But quality time with the fam and some friends was perfecto.  There was in fact a Piñata though, so that was pretty amazing.
  • host a lovely Mother's Day brunch at our house (in-laws and all) - CHECK
    Mother's day brunch was a success!! It was fun having both families over for the first time together at our new house and being able to celebrate our moms and enjoy some tasty brunch, mimosas, and some quality hang time in the yard.
  • Put my DSLR to good use more often - maybe plan a fun lil shoot?
    This is on my list for summer for sure.
  • start a new personal Bible study *** CHECK
    I started a new Bible study!!! It's pretty great.  It's over on and it's so user friendly and quick and easy to use, and the writers are pretty great and encouraging.  I'm a little behind and catching up on the study of Nehemiah, but I'm loving it.  Definitely check it out.
  • finish the last book of the Divergent series - CHECK
    Yup. It is finished.  I am not sure how I feel about it.  Anyone else finish?  So curious what other people think.  It was a great series though.

Boom.  Done and done... almost.  Just need to give my camera a lil more lovin'.

And now for June - -
I have high hopes for June and this upcoming summer.  It is definitely going to be a busy month (hello weddings, bridal showers, travels up north, etc), but it is going to be a great one, I can feel it.  Here's what I'm hoping to accomplish:

  • read "Where'd you go, Bernadette?"
  • host a Young Living class!!! *** 
    [I've been using YL oils for 4+ years and they have made a significant impact in my life.  I am excited to finally be sharing my passion for essential oils and encouraging others to see how God can use them in their lives! In fact, I don't know why I have yet to share about them on here?? Stay tuned for that. ;)]
  • get some quality water skiing action in up north, as much as possible
  • change up my hairstyle
    I've been rocking the ombre for awhile now, and thinking it might be time for a change.  FYI changing up my hairstyle is one of my most favorite things (and most analyzed- right Audra?)
  • go on a date with my man
  • soak up my favorite TV show - So You Think You Can Dance
  • make the front yard pretty- aka pull out most of the greens (there's too many) 

I feel like I could keep this list coming, just cause I have all sorts of things I'd like to do in June.  But I better save some for the rest of the summer ;)  Hope your summer is off to an amazing start.


Want to share your goals? 
Join me as I link up with Hayley over at
The Tiny Twig