Pursuing transformation in 2015

Sometimes the thought of planning something for New Years can be quite intimidating as it is supposed to be an amazing night.  But it seems to be the times that you don't try to plan much, that everything just falls right into place and everyone has a great time.  This, was one of those years.  We had a really lovely celebration as we spent time with friends munching on snacks and appetizers, popping a little bubbly, enjoying a few cocktails and as with any good party we played some fun-filled (and somewhat competitive) board games and had to throw in a good ole college game of flip cup (not going to lie, it's still fun).

But now, all the bubbly has been popped, glasses cleaned and put away, the snacks have found their rightful place in our bellies, the games are stored away until next time, and the happy tiredness that follows a great celebration has ensued.  The end of 2014 has come and gone and it's time to gear up for another year.

I have a good feeling and high hopes for 2015.  After spending some time reflecting on 2014, I found myself hopeful as I looked forward to thinking of goals that I might like to set for the coming year.  Sometimes I have a hard time coming up with goals and picking ones that might be realistic (cause no one likes making a list that never gets crossed off).  But as I've been thinking about the goals I might have for this year, I want to take the pressure off a little bit by making them less about specific things that I need to do, and more about ways that I want to grow in the next year.

Living a life in Christ, our lives are all about transformation - about becoming more and more like Christ as we take off the old self and put on the new as we are made new in the image of our creator.  This thought always excites me.  Who doesn't want to be transformed into a better version of themselves!!?

With that said, I want this year to be one of transformationAt the end of 2015, I want to look back and be able to pinpoint all sorts of ways that I have grown and been transformed more into His likeness.  Here's a few ways that I hope to transform my life in 2015.

  1. Above all else, I want to give myself more to the Lord- to be transformed into a better reflection of Him.  I want to dig deeper into His word and come out knowing more about Him and understanding how I can be a better communicator of his Love. 
  2. To become a stronger and healthier person.  Spending time with a physical therapist (who happens to be really amazing) for some pain in my lower back and previously for a clavicle injury, I have learned just how important it is to maintain good posture in everything we do and to strengthen the core muscles that support our body.  I want to continue to practice good posture and be actively strengthening my body so that I can not just keep the pains away, but have a stronger healthier body.  (P.S. Did I mention I started YOGA??  I had this on my to-do list forever ago, and I finally went and I love it.  This is going to be a big part of this transformation goal.)
  3. To become a better writer.  I want to actively pursue ways that I can grow in my writing abilities and further use them for the glory of the Lord.  Ways that I intend to do this are: blog more consistently (even when I don't feel like it), help others edit their writing whenever I can, read lots, and pray more intentionally about how God might want to use this gift.  
  4. To be a better friend.  As I shared in my looking back on 2014 post, this past year was a difficult one for me in regards to friendships.  I have hopes that 2015 will be one of restoring and reconciling disconnected relationships.  
  5. Invest in building a stronger marriage.  It is so easy to flow through life with my sweet husband by my side (which is amazing) but I want to focus on how we can better our relationship.  To learn more about each other, discover how to better support each other, to communicate better, and bring more joy into each other's days. Overall, I want to strengthen our marriage.  Just as I  want to be transformed into Christ's likeness, I also want our marriage to be a strong reflection of His love.  I am really looking forward to pursuing transformation in our marriage-  I'm excited to learn more about my husband and I also think lots of fun dates will be involved.  

5 days into January I am feeling pretty hopeful about this new year, and am praying that my positive attitude and desire to make progress in each area of transformation would continue as the year moves on.  As you, too, set hopes and goals for 2015, please let me know how I can be an encouragement or help remind you of the goals you are reaching for.  And please, if you feel lead, do so for me too! The Lord gave us community so that we may encourage one another and build each other up- and this is just one great way that we can do that.  

Cheers to a wonderful 2014 and a hope, joy, and transformation-filled 2015.  


--- linking up with The Tiny Twig -Goals with Grace ---

--image by Marissa Maharaj--