Pursuing Transformation: Becoming a stronger, healthier person
Happy #TransformationWednesday!!! Truth be told, I wanted to post my transformation update on Tuesday to be all cute and join on the #transformationtuesday train, but then I giggled at myself, because why the heck can't it just be Transformation Wednesday?!!! I want everyday to be transformational- not just Tuesdays and Thursdays for the sake of the hashtag!! So here I am on Transformation Wednesday, excited to be back sharing the second installment of my Pursuing Transformation updates! If you're new to this mini-series, last week I talked about this proclamation that I made back in January, pinpointing five areas of my life where I want to see growth in 2015 - and I introduced this mini-series where I'm checking in with where I'm at and encouraging you to do the same!
I kicked off the series by talking about my goal to give more of myself to the Lord. I shared how I need to continue working on this area, more specifically by improving my discipline for daily Bible reading. I sat down (today… ) to start reading a Psalm a day and it was great!! Of course the Lord knows exactly what I needed to hear to start off this little journey; the scripture says, "Blessed is the one… whose delight is in the law of the Lord, who meditates on his law day and night.” Well, that pretty much sums up what I need to do- to delight in the law of the Lord day and night. So much truth in that first chapter!!
But before I go off on a tangent about Psalm 1 – I want to move on to my second goal of transformation for 2015. That is, to become a stronger and healthier person. I am pretty excited about this one because I have already grown leaps and bounds in this area since January.
Wanting to improve my posture, decrease pain, strengthen my body and work on improving my overall wellness, I made three intentional steps to move me in the right direction (hah, no pun intended) - Body pump, Yoga, and Essential Oils.
Body Pump-
You may have heard me talk about this before, but I am in love with my weightlifting class at the YMCA. Going back to class every week (sometimes twice a week), slowly but surely I have been increasing the amount of weight I add for each exercise. My goal isn’t to be the next Hulk, but to be a more toned, stronger version of myself and I'm really excited because I feel like I am beginning to see (or at least feel) results. I really look forward to this workout every week - it's a great motivator to keep going, and it's an encouragement to the soul too because the music the instructor plays sings about the Lord! Nothing like being motivated in body and mind!
Man, I was missing out. I am sad that it has taken me this long to try yoga because I absolutely love it. I tried my first yoga class (besides good old Wii fit yoga) back in November and I am hooked. Having had far too many skeletal issues for my young age of 29 ;) I have found the great importance of taking care of my spine. Going to a Chiropractor regularly, I was so proud when she said everything in my spine was starting to line up nicely! Being all about creating space in your spine and helping you strengthen your core muscles through the poses, I know that yoga has played a huge role in this and has been an incredible and crucial part in decreasing pain I was struggling with in both my lower back and my clavicle trouble areas. Not to mention, it’s the greatest way to de-stress!! There have been many times that I have gone to class super cranky, and left feeling refreshed and re-energized. It's crazy how even the simplest exercise of focusing on my breath can encourage me to make a positive change in my day. If you are in the Milwaukee area, I highly recommend checking out Tosa Yoga. The owner, Melanie and each of the instructors I have experienced are phenomenal!! And plus, the first class there is free! Seriously do it!!
P.S. check out the pic above of my friend and I doing Paddleboard yoga!!! It was a blast!!! (Even if we fell into the water once or twice.)
Essential Oils–
It’s crazy to me that I have only written about my love for essential oils once before on lovemin!! You guys, they have made a huge impact in my life. I am a user, supporter, and distributor of Young Living essential oils. But you can be certain that any time I share about how essential oils have helped me, I am not trying to sell you on something- I just want to share with you the exciting benefit that I have learned about. My amazement for this blessing God has given us continues to grow with each and every oil I learn about and each new combination I try. As of late my favorite combination has been Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint as it has helped me immensely in coping with seasonal allergies!! And this is just one of the many ways that I have been using essential oils to promote a healthy life. If you don’t know about essential oils and how they can benefit you, please please let me know! I would love to help you start your own journey!!!
I am so thankful that the Lord doesn't just care about our souls but that He cares about our bodies! And He gives us such great resources at our fingertips to play an active role in taking care of them. I can't even believe how far I've come in regards to the amount of back pain I was still struggling with when I wrote that post back in January, and I can't wait to see how I continue to grow over the next six months. I mean shoot, maybe I'll even have a six-pack! Okay, props not, but hey, I can pretend.
My prayer for you this week is that no matter where you are at in your pursuit to become a stronger, healthier person, that you would be reminded that the Lord loves every inch of you. As you go through this week and look in the mirror and are tempted to be discouraged, remember that you were created in His image and He wants you (and me) to use our bodies for His glory. And that means, we can't diss his creations ;) Own what you've got and be intentional; make steps towards becoming an even stronger, healthier you.
Want to join me in this? I’d love to hear how your pursuit for transformation in 2015 is happening- please share with me! Let’s be transformational ya’ll!