Pursuing Transformation: a few final thoughts
Yesterday I was getting ready for yoga, and took a few minutes to look at my body in the full-length mirror. Standing there in my underwear and sports bra, I realized how my muscles were being to take shape. Seeing the strength in my biceps, growing definition in my triceps, and being able to feel how much stronger my foundation feels from my legs to my hips to my glutes to my stomach, I couldn’t help but get excited and be proud of the progress I have made in my journey to become a stronger person. I used to giggle and roll my eyes a little bit when I would catch Chris flexing his muscles in the mirror as he brushed his teeth, but now I totally get it. When you’ve worked really hard at something, dedicated time, energy and a whole lot of sweat, being able to look in the mirror and see results is so, so exciting.
I share this not to be like, ooh look at me, I share it to remind and encourage you that transformation is exciting!!! Each baby step taken towards a goal is always hard, hard work but being able to look in the mirror, compare swimsuit selfies and see the difference obtained from disciplined time in the gym and the yoga studio – that is exciting, rewarding, and that’s what makes all the hard work worth it.
Looking back on my Pursuing Transformation posts, I’m realizing how much I really enjoyed this little series. Taking the opportunity to reflect, ask myself how I am doing and be honest about where I am at, was a valuable exercise that encouraged and challenged me to keep pushing forward in each of the goals I set for myself in 2015.
I started out the series with one of my favorite verses, Ephesians 4:15, and it seems only appropriate to close with it as well. It says,“And we all, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” If you’re in a place where you, too, are pursuing transformation in many different areas of your life, I want to remind you that we have a God who is all about transformation. So keep your head up, and if you get discouraged, remember that you are not doing this alone.