Time to re-focus

Two weeks ago I was running around doing last minute errands and prep for my sister’s wedding.  Last week, I was in recovery mode.  I did a lot of sitting on the couch in front of the fire, cuddling with my hubby, and starting a new binge on Netflix (hello, Walking Dead).  I gave myself the full week off to recover from the wedding craziness both physically and emotionally, and it was glorious.   And this week is for jumping back in… but jumping back into what? 

The past who-knows-how-many months, the main focus of my brain was doing everything I could to support my sister in planning her wedding.  From the brunch and bubbly bridal shower to the bachelorette party, then on to the actual big day (which was absolutely beautiful) – I have had one thing on my mind, support my sister, execute a beautiful wedding.  So now that it’s over I am feeling a little lost.

Have you ever been there?  Maybe it wasn’t planning a wedding, but perhaps a big project at work, or a magical getaway in the dead of winter.  You plan so much that your mind is absorbed.  You lay in bed going over the details yet to be covered; you wake and conquer the last of the to-do list.  Then the big day comes, everything goes off without a hitch and suddenly you’re left wondering, what now?  What’s on my to-do list?  What’s the next project?  What should I focus on?  That’s where I’m at today. 

Helping plan my sister’s wedding wasn’t my entire life, but it was my prime focusSo, now that it has come and gone, it’s time to re-focus.  Re-adjusting is not easy; I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I was in full-on avoidant mode today.  But I'm ready and eager to get to work on the next project God has for me.  

There’s all sorts of things brewing in this brain of mine and I’m looking forward to getting a lot of them onto paper (like our 5 year anniversary!) but first and foremost I want to get myself re-centered on the Lord.  If you think of me, would you pray for me? I want the words from Lauren Daigle’s song “First” to be the cry of my heart as I step faithfully into whatever the Lord has for me in the days ahead. 

Before I bring my need
I will bring my heart
Before I lift my cares
I will lift my arms
I wanna know You
I wanna find You
In every season
In every moment
Before I bring my need
I will bring my heart
And seek You


- This image is a sneak peek from our anniversary session with Alex Good.  I can't wait to tell you about it and share more of the images she captured! -