Feature in Thryve Magazine's Mended Issue

"God spoke truth into my heart and I realized that I couldn’t raise one hand to praise Him and slam a beer with the other.  He helped me realize that if I really wanted to live for Him, I needed to quit the double life mentality and dedicate every corner of my life to Him. I needed to be all about Him." 

I am so excited to share this tiny snippet from my second feature in Thryve Magazine.  My article, titled Full Attention, is one that is near and dear to my heart.  It's an honest depiction of my story- of how God called me to give wholehearted, life-centered, undivided devotion to Him.  

Thryve Magazine's 6th Issue, Mended, is full of stories like mine that are raw, vulnerable and breathtakingly honest.  And here's the cool part, you can read the full magazine for FREE.  Through much prayer, the women at Thryve felt the Lord calling them to leave behind the days of print (for a season) and offer the magazine online completely free in hopes of getting it into the hands of more women and making a greater impact for Christ.  I love the heart behind Thryve, and am very honored and blessed to be a part of this issue.  

I would love for you to read through Thryve and check out my article on page 140.  I am praying that this issue would touch your heart and that God would encourage you in your own journey as you are being mended by Him.  

Click on the image below to view the entire magazine. 
Any trouble - head here.

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