Called to Peace
The other day I rolled over, looked at my alarm clock through squinty eyes and debated ditching yoga class. After 5 minutes of deliberation I dragged myself out of bed, brushed my teeth, threw on my yoga gear and headed out the door. One hour and 20 minutes later, feeling looser, euphoric and at peace, I thanked myself for mustering up the motivation to slide out of bed and wondered, how often do I miss opportunities to be at peace? Colossians 3:15 says, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.” Reading this verse got me thinking, peace isn’t something that just happens. It is something we must choose.
I don't know about you, but I often operate as if peace is beyond my control; like my peace quotient is based solely on the amount of stress, worries, or issues in my life. But what I love about Colossians 3:15 is that Paul, the author of Colossians, destroys that myth as he says, “you were called to peace.”
When someone calls you on the phone, you have the choice to answer or hit the little red “decline” button. When a professor calls on you in class, you don't just stare at him or her, you attempt a correct answer. If someone shouts your name across the parking lot, you turn, discover your caller and you shout back. Being called to peace is just like any other call; it requires a response.
Christ offers up His peace on a silver platter saying here, this is for you. But, it’s up to us whether we take it or not. At the beginning of the verse Paul says, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.” The key word, the action verb of that sentence is let. If we want to experience the freedom of Christ’s peace, then we have to let it. We have to allow His peace full reign in our hearts and minds. And the only way to do that is to let Him have control over everything.
Giving up control is like prying a vanilla sprinkle donut out of my hand ( let me tell you, I love me some donuts) – it’s near impossible. The thought of letting go of parts of my life, especially loved ones, is terrifying! Honestly, it's a constant fear that quickly sends me spinning into anxiety. But, if letting go of control goes hand in hand with letting His peace rule in my life, then I need to do it regardless of the cost.
Colossians 1:17 says, “He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.” When I am in full panic mode, proclaiming this verse out loud and mentally clinging to its truth really helps me release control. By visualizing that He already knows what is to come, and that He will hold me and all things together no matter what happens, I am able to loosen the grip on my fears and let His peace wash over me.
This is not an easy task. It's a constant struggle. But if we really want to experience the freedom of peace, we have to let go and give Him the opportunity and power to rule in our hearts. Before our feet even hit the floor, let's drown out our stress and anxieties by submerging ourselves in the ever-flowing fountain of Christ's peace.