Wild and Free
I’ve always had a thing for hair. I’ve grown it long, cut it super short Victoria Beckham style and once I broke my vow to never dye my hair, the real fun began. If you know me since college, you know I’ve been a dark brunette, a bright blonde, had chunks of purple-red, played with an ombré and now my hair is gray. Yes, that’s right, I chose to have gray hair. And here’s why.
I decided that my 30th year is going to be one of risk and fun. I want to put myself out there, not hold back and create opportunities for fun. Having a crush on the gray hair trend for awhile, I decided hey that would be super fun! (And a bit risky not knowing how it’d turn out hah) So I went for it. Why not? I mean it’s just hair, it can be changed and YOLO! Am I right?
But honestly it’s more than that. I am reading a book called Wild and Free by Hayley Morgan and Jess Connolly and it’s all about embracing the women that God created us to be. The heart behind the book is, “He is the one who calls us to be wild- walking in who God created us to be. And He is the one who calls us to be free – resting in what Jesus has done for us.” Deliberating over whether or not to go for the grey hair, I realized that the only thing holding me back was a fear of what others might think. And that shook me a bit. I’m only a few chapters in, but I’ve really been challenged by the thought of – how often do I limit who I am, who God created me to be, because I’m afraid of what others might think?
I love temporary tattoos so why do I feel like I need to hide the one on my arm when I’m at yoga class? When I hear one of my favorite jams, I wanna jam out, bop my shoulders and sing obnoxiously in the car but why do I dial it back when I realize people are watching me? My first day in public with my grey hair I was nervous going to the grocery store – what if I run into someone I know? What will the butcher think when he sees my no longer blonde hair? Realizing all of this, it makes me angry because that is not what God desires for me. Galatians 5:1 says, “It is for freedom Christ has set us free.” God did not call us to be timid or fearful – He created us to live wildly and freely knowing that our identity is not in our hair color, body type or career, it is in Jesus.
Looking in the mirror at the hair salon, my eyes were wide with excitement. I did it! My hair was full on grey. Sure, it may be a little out there but, dying my hair this granny color is a tiny piece, a baby step, toward me living in the freedom of who God created me to be.
If there’s something that you’ve been dying to do, but you’re holding back because you’re afraid of what others might think of you – check that fear and get to it. Own that bright red lipstick, the purple hair, or the choice to seek your dream job. Together let's get a little wild and live freely in who God created us to be.
If you're looking for a good read this summer, I'd love to invite you to read Wild and Free with me! I'm only a few chapters in and this book has already inspired me. I'd love to hear how it inspires you!