The Friend Who Exceeds Expectations
Last summer I was a sad song stuck on repeat. Wrought with loneliness, over and over again I cried out to God asking, “Where are my deep friendships?”
In a perfect world, my idea of a deep friendship is composed of two people who love each other so deeply that it’s a bit overwhelming. If you’re discouraged, your friend is there to listen and encourage you. If you’re excited, she’s the one popping the champagne bottle. If you’re frustrated, she’s the one pulling you out of it and helping you change your attitude to joy. She asks all the right questions at all the right times and is 100% invested in the story God is writing through your life.
Basically, this perfect friend is birthed straight out of 1 Peter 4:8 which says,
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.
Absorbed by my longing for perfect depth, discontent descended like a fog over my relationships. Instead of focusing on what they offered, I could only see what they lacked.
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This is the beginning of my guest post over on (in)courage; a community whose goal is to encourage the hearts of women and point to Jesus. I am so honored to be a guest contributor today and would love if you'd head over to (in)courage to check it out. Click here to read the entire article.
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