Far from completion

“…he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”  - Phil. 1:6

One month ago, my hubby and I started what I thought would be an easy project, painting the “calf poop brown” guest bedroom. Everything was prepped and ready to go; the plan was to scrape, sand, prime and finish the ceiling together, and then the following week while Chris was away for work, I would clothe the walls in gray.  But thanks to a lead paint-based ceiling, and plaster filler that wouldn’t set, the project came to an unexpected halt. 

To say that I was disappointed would be a bit of an understatement; in that moment, I felt defeated.  My husband, who has been working over 65 hours a week lately, was heading off for a full week of traveling and this paint job was the distraction I had created for myself.  I was so excited to have something to focus on while he was gone; I couldn’t wait to get it done.  So when I found out that wasn’t going to happen, all I could see was that my expectation was destroyed.  For an entire week I’d have to stare at a closed door knowing that what waited for me on the other side was a guest room covered in dusty plastic and a layer of toxic, lead paint chips. 

To be honest with you, this is a pretty accurate description of what my life feels like right now; instead of admiring shiny, finished products, I am in the trenches doing the hard work feeling far from completion.  I’m writing but it feels like the Lord has put a pause on writing my book.  I’m investing in our marriage that feels strained due to work-dictated-distance.  I’m lifting weights, going to yoga, and stretching all the time in order to strengthen my hypermobile body.  I’m pouring my heart into the work in each of these areas, and quite honestly, I’m tired of working; I want to see the finished product.

But here’s what my painting project reminded me… regardless of delays or unanticipated, extra steps, the work will get done and the project will get finished.  And at the end of it, it will look amazing!!

Sunday, a month later than expected, Chris and I finished painting the guest bedroom.  And let me tell you, it is beautiful.  The stained, lead-infested paint chips are replaced by a new crisp, glossy white ceiling.  And the calf poop brown is quickly forgotten with one glance at the flat, matte blue-ish gray walls that embrace the dark wooden trim. 

Seeing the beauty of this finished project was so encouraging for my soul because it was a tangible, visible example that hiccups, breaks or delays in execution will not affect the outcome; all the hard work will lead to completion.

Philippians 1:6 says, “…he who began a good work in you will carry it to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.”   It doesn’t say he who began a good work might carry it to completion, or he will start a good work; the scripture says he WILL carry it to completion

This is the motivation I’ve needed lately - a physical and mental reminder that the work I’m doing is not in vain.  And I hope it encourages you too.  Maybe you’re like me, struggling to see an end in sight, or maybe you’re actually in the beautiful stage of admiring the success of your hard work; wherever you are today, my prayer is that you would be proud of the good work you’re doing and that you might dig your heels in, and be expectant for the beautiful completion that is to come.

Did this strike a chord for you?  I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.