Why I Love my Unique Wooden Watch

Sitting on my dad’s lap as a little girl, I loved playing with his watch. I’d press my tiny fingers to release the clasp, watch it droop, and then snap it back in place. I thoroughly enjoyed this fidgety game. My dad, however, might not have had as much fun; each on and off risked pinching and the loss of brown hairs, haphazardly plucked from his arm.

When my husband was merely the cute blonde boy in French class, I often asked him what page the Professor told us to turn to en Français. Every time, he’d shift his eyes towards his silver watch with a blue face, and then respond – page 122. Even to this day, my husband occasionally carries on this silly habit of turning his arm to check the time when someone asks a question.

I can picture my mom’s delicate gold watch with a black face that often adorns her petite wrist, my grandpa’s bulky watch to match his bulky gold rings, and my very first watch bearing an image of Minnie mouse whose arms twisted around her body to tell the time.

Why I’m talking about watches

I never thought about the incredible nostalgia associated with a watch until a representative from Jord Watches reached out to me and asked if I would be interested in receiving one of their unique, timeless wooden watches in exchange for a blog post and hosting a giveaway (that you can enter to get your hands on a Jord watch!!).

To be honest, I typically say “no” to these type of inquiries. But the combination of the fact that I have been a fan of these watches for years and that saying “yes” gives me a unique opportunity to be playful with my writing, I decided to go for it. As I brainstormed how I would connect my story-driven writing style to a sponsored post promoting their brand, I was surprised by all the watch memories that came to mind when I started thinking about it.

The watch my grandpa wore to his funeral

My grandfather on my dad’s side passed away two days before my third birthday. Even though my time getting to know him was minimal, I have two very specific and vivid memories of him: how he always joked that there was a poodle under his hat and the watch he wore at his funeral.

Grandpa Earl was a tender, loving, funny man. He loved spending time with us grandkids and often entertained us by sitting on a rickety, wooden chair, way too little for a grown man, plopping his cowboy hat on the floor and saying, “There’s a poodle under my hat.” Each and every time he did it my sister and I were overcome with giggles. Our bodies shook as we laughed at his trick, and his smile broke into laughter.

Unfortunately, Grandpa Earl went to be with Jesus at a young age after having a massive heart attack. While I don’t have many memories surrounding his passing, I clearly remember his funeral, as it was the first time I experienced an open casket.

I understand that the purpose of an open casket is to give family members the closure they might need in order to accept the passing of their loved ones, but as a little girl, the sight of my grandpa’s life-like, breathless body lying in a wooden box was equal parts terrifying and confusing. I was afraid he might sit up and say, “Gotcha!”

I didn’t want to go up to the casket, but when my daddy asked if I wanted to say goodbye to grandpa, I went with him. Perched on his hip, I peered into the casket and looked at Grandpa Earl. He was lifelike, seemed to be wearing makeup, and he was very still. Curious, I reached out to touch his wrinkly, wax-like hand and noticed something that confused me. “Daddy, why is his watch still ticking?” Somehow my young mind heard the ticking of his watch and thought – if my grandpa is no longer living, why is his watch alive? Shouldn’t it be dead too?

I didn’t understand that a watch is timeless; that it does not see death unless it needs a new battery, in which case, it is quickly re-born and brought back to life. My dad explained that it was my grandpa’s favorite watch, one he wore every single day, so they knew he would want it go with him into his grave.

Why I love my Jord Wooden Watch

This might sound silly, but thinking about all the memories revolving around a timeless piece of jewelry made me want to find a watch and start making memories of my own. Smart phones, VHS tapes, DVDs will all come and go – but watches will live on forever, won’t they?

I never used to wear a watch because I couldn’t find one that truly fit my style, until I got my Jord Watch. I absolutely love it. I have seriously worn it every single day since I got it, which is saying a lot because this girl almost never wears a bracelet.

Here’s what I love about my watch:

  1. It is unique – No Jord Watch is the same as each one is hand-crafted using a unique cut and species of wood. Mine, is made of dark sandalwood sourced from Mozambique. Whichever watch you fall in love with, I guarantee it will look a little different from the picture you see on the website, but that’s kind of the best part. 

  2. It’s made of wood! – How many times do you see a watch handcrafted from wood? The best part is, Jord’s mission is all about sustainability.

  3. It’s a gorgeous statement piece – Here’s a super cool part, Jord Watches can even be engraved! Want to buy one for your spouse for your anniversary? Pick out one of the gorgeous men’s or women’s watches, and have your wedding date engraved on the inside. I just gave you a fantastic gift idea – you’re welcome. ;)  

  4. The packaging – Okay, I am a sucker for a beautiful box- and the box my Jord watch came in, cannot be beat. It is a gorgeous square, wooden box, with a magnetic top, a tiny little pillow to rest my watch, a pull-out (also magnetic) drawer at the bottom in which you can put your cleaning oil and cloth to care for and maintain the beauty of your wooden watch.   

What are you waiting for _ go enter the giveaway!

Here’s the fun part. I am hosting a giveaway where one lucky winner will win $100 towards their very own Jord Watch. And, every person who enters receives a 10% off discount – so really, everyone is a winner!

All you have to do is, click this link, enter your name and email, and pick out the watch of your dreams. The giveaway is open until 11/11/18 – so get to it! May the odds be ever in your favor!

Want to see a full unboxing of my beautiful, unique wooden watch? Head to my Instagram page, and tap on the “highlight” named “Jord watch.”