Unexpected Guests

One bitterly cold Friday night, I reached my limit. It was an especially busy week, my husband worked 70+ hours, and I just witnessed a car accident. Dramatically slinking my way onto the couch, I took a deep breath and thought, I am so glad the only plan for tonight is to snuggle on the couch with my hubby. And then the phone rang.

In a panic, my seven-months-pregnant sister exclaimed, “Min! Our landlord painted our apartment early without telling us and the paint fumes are unbearable! There is no way I can stay here . . . Can we come stay with you?”

I love my sister dearly, and we have a wonderful relationship. I lived with her before I got married and her now-husband lived with us before they got married. I knew it wouldn’t be a problem, but in that weary moment, all I could think was, Really, Lord? The house was a mess, we had nothing to offer for dinner, I was exhausted, and I didn’t want company.

The thing about hospitality is that it doesn’t always come in the form of a pre-planned party. In fact, a lot of times it looks like unexpected guests. Maybe it’s in the form of a friend who’s struggling over a recent loss and is desperate for a pick-me-up right when you’re heading to the gym. Or maybe it’s a coffee date you allotted an hour for but is pushing three because your friend hasn’t been out of the house in months. Or maybe it’s quite literally like us — with a sister and brother-in-law knocking on the door asking to stay for an undefined amount of time.

** To finishing reading this post and find out what happened, head over to (In)courage **

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