Joy Amidst Anxiety


There’s a whole lot of heaviness in this world- both online and off. And I’m tired of it. Aren’t you?

Friends, I think it’s time to make an intentional shift. And I want to be a part of it. ⁠ ⁠

Yes this world is heavy. ⁠
Yes 2020 seems to hold a lot of pain. ⁠
BUT there is a whole lot of joy to be had right in the midst of it. ⁠ ⁠

Which is why I created a 7-day JOY AMIDST ANXIETY Instagram challenge; a super simple, fun way to be intentional about highlighting joy. ⁠ ⁠


My hope for the JOY AMIDST ANXIETY challenge is that by fixing our eyes on the joy the Lord has for us in this season, we might experience more peace (& as a sweet result, brighten up the world of social media in the process).

What’s an Instagram challenge?

It is a fun, writing prompt challenge that I am hosting over on Instagram. For 7-days I am offering a daily prompt to help you focus on joy right in front of you. You can share a picture, write a caption, or if you’re not on social media you could even do it right in your journal. There are no hard and fast rules for this - it’s basically just a fun way to get us focusing on JOY amidst the craziness that is this world.

As many of you know, I am a huge advocate for finding peace amidst anxiety and finding joy in the midst is a great extension of that. The heart of the challenge is this— we do not have to wait until anxiety is gone; we get to experience peace and joy right in the midst of it.

I created the challenge because I personally have been feeling a necessary shift for focusing on joy versus the heaviness around us, and I also need a jumpstart to get back into the practice of writing regularly - thus the JOY AMIDST ANXIETY challenge was born. (Want to hear a little more of the why? Click here)

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Sounds fun, how do I join?

I am hoping to round up as many people as possible to do this challenge; whether you are on social media or not, I would love to have you join! Simply start the JOY AMIDST ANXIETY challenge on 7/27 by reading the prompt and respond in whatever way you’d like! If you want to join in the Instagram aspect of it, here is how to connect.

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Want to follow along with what I share?

I am so excited to start this challenge and I hope that you’ll join me. If you want to follow along with what I’m sharing, come find me on Instagram, or check back on the blog! I will be sharing each of my photos and responses to the prompts right here so you can stay connected.

I can’t wait to spread some JOY AMIDST ANXIETY with you.