Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

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Merry Christmas friends and family! 

I am so happy to be here wishing you a merry Christmas and celebrating the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. There has been so much goodness laced into the messiness of 2020 and I am excited to share a tiny bit of what’s been happening in our corner of the world through our virtual Christmas card.

Without further ado, here’s a virtual Christmas card from us to you!

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What’s new with work?

C: I am still working away as Executive Director at CIBC-Cleary Gull. After a few slow weeks at the beginning of the pandemic, activity picked back up. The biggest change for me has been working from home since March with little to no travel. After months sitting at a card table in our basement, I built myself a desk and am settling in as we have no current plans of returning to the office anytime soon. I feel very blessed that my job has remained steady throughout the pandemic.

M: As a writer who already worked from home, not much has changed for me – other than now having a co-worker in my space, haha. I am missing working in coffee shops due to the pandemic, but am learning to adjust my rhythms and write whenever, wherever, and whatever the Lord lays on my heart in this season. This past year I was published in Grit & Virtue, The Kindred Voice, and just recently was featured on The Kindred Convos podcast talking about how to support a friend with anxiety.

Unexpected Blessing this year

C: Spending more time with Mindy is number one. I’ve also really enjoyed completing some house projects that’ve been on my list forever, and getting back into working out.

M: Hands down, the extra time with Chris. Pre-pandemic, Chris did a lot of traveling for work, and had a lot of later evenings at the office. Getting to see him when he pops up for a cup of coffee, and with no travel, actually getting to eat meals together most, if not all, days really is a huge gift. I am soaking up this extra time with him.

Favorite carry out meal 

C & M: We both agree that our 4-course carry out anniversary dinner from Sanford, a delicious local restaurant, easily tops our list of carry out meals. The exquisite meal was a fully crafted menu with two elevated appetizers (one with elk sausage, that was our favorite dish of the night), an entrée (mine with beef tenderloin and Chris’ with shrimp and scallop), topped off with a chocolate tart and a carmelized fig tart – all with wine pairings to go with the tasting menu. It was outstanding. Highly recommend if you’re celebrating something and want an out of the box (hah literally, cause it’s carry out), high-end meal.

Songs you’re loving right now 

C: “Sweet Victory” by Trip Lee and “Unapologetically Country as Hell” by Hardy

M: “Heavenly Hosts” by For King and Country and  “Into the Sea” by Tasha Layton 

A top moment in 2020

C: Since the pandemic has made travel difficult, every time I get to see my family (who lives 6.5 hours away in Minnesota) has been a blessing. Another cool opportunity I had this year was to golf Whistling Straits and Black Wolf Run, two of the top courses in the state of Wisconsin. I won’t mention my scores (haha), but it was a ton of fun to golf those beautiful courses.  

M: The first time we went up north as a family after my mom’s heart surgery. If you didn’t know, my mom had a heart attack followed by open-heart surgery in July. It shook our world, but God was so faithful through it. Being together again for the first time at our family lake cabin after her surgery and recovery felt like such a sweet celebration of the Lord’s provision and protection through the entire scary process. I still can’t believe it happened, and if you saw my mom and the way she has healed and is rearing to go, you wouldn’t either. God blessed us richly in the way He cared for my mama.

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I am honestly not sure how I would have made it through some of the challenges this year held if it weren’t for Jesus. “In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:4-5

Seasons of darkness are really challenging, but they are also a mixed blessing because it’s in the dark that a glimpse of light is even more brilliant. In the heaviness of this year, we have seen Jesus work so clearly it’s unmistakable.

In the darkness, He has been our light.
In the heavy moments, He has been our hope.
In the anxious ones, He has been our peace.

For such a time as this crazy weird year, God sent Jesus to earth, as a baby in a manger, so that He might experience life as we know it. He could’ve come up with a different plan to save us, but He came as a human so that He might know our pain, sympathize with our weakness, and know exactly what we need to endure it.

This year was hard for all of us. And it feels odd to celebrate Christmas without some of the traditions we normally keep. But nothing can change the fact that we get to celebrate the gift the Lord gave us through Christ – and friends, this year I want to be loud about it. No matter what comes our way we get to rely on a Savior who has gone before us, made a way for us to have peace and light in the darkness, and holds everything that is to come in the palm of His hand.

If you need hope, light, or peace – turn to Jesus, dear friends. He is so good, so worthy of our praise, and He is why we celebrate.

christmas blessing with photo by Cassie Rosch

P.S. All of these photos of Chris and I were taken by Cassie Rosch, an extremely talented local photographer.
We really enjoyed spending time with her during our anniversary session in November, and we are so thankful for the amazing photos she captured.
I can’t wait to share more with you in the future.