Our New Home

The story of finding our new house and how God provided peace amidst anxiety

Last October, Chris and I decided we were ready to start searching for our next home. We both grew up with a lot of land on our parents’ properties, and realized as much as we loved Wauwatosa, we were ready to part with our postage stamp of a backyard and search for bigger, greener spaces.

The hunt was slow. Between October and April we looked at two houses – what we were looking for just hadn’t shown up. Until June 23rd when an email popped into our inbox.  

This is a complicated story to write – so many layers of emotions wrapped up in this giant step in our lives – because, if you’re not aware, my beloved dad died unexpectedly on the morning of May 13th. Life changed completely the second I answered that phone call, and my mom uttered the words “daddy died.” [To read more about my sweet dad and the eulogy I wrote tap here.]

When my dad died, (I still struggle to write those horrific words) we paused the house hunt. Life as we knew it became a new landscape, and the last thing we wanted was to consider moving in the midst of it. We called our realtor and asked him to stop the listing emails.

In the month that followed, Chris and I constantly drove back and forth from Wauwatosa to Grafton where my parents’ house is. It’s only a half hour one way, but after doing it constantly it became wearing. So one day, out of sheer exhaustion from another back and forth, I popped on Zillow to see what the world of houses had to offer. There I found a house so close to my parents’ I could walk through the back field to get there. My mind started racing. “This could be perfect!”

Long story short, we frantically contacted our realtor, set up a showing, looked at the house the next day and the Lord made it clear it wasn’t for us.

At the time I questioned why we would randomly find this house only to figure out it wasn’t right. But it’s now clear that it played an important role. This house opened our minds to receiving listings again from our agent, led us to pray about considering moving in this challenging season, and prepared us to consider the space we now call home.  

I share the following story about our new house for several reasons:

  • To help myself process this giant step that took place

  • To remind myself of how God provided exactly what we asked for

  • To share with you that God really does enter heavy and hard places, and offers clarity and peace when there is nothing but anxiety

Finding our new home

The morning of June 23, Chris called me on his way home from a work event and said, “Have you checked your email?” It was a tough morning in the world of grief; I was missing my dad so heavily I couldn’t peel myself out of bed. With exhaustion and a bit of sass, I replied, “Umm no. Why? I can’t handle any surprises or guess work right now, what’s up?”

“A house came up that I think we want to look at. I called Brian (our realtor) and set up a showing in two hours.”

Okay… what? No. I can’t. I thought. Not this morning. My grief is too heavy. I cannot and will not leave this bed.

Plus, I had literally just told a friend that after seeing the last house I was sure that this wasn’t the time to move. So the timing seemed way way way off.

“Babe. I am so overdone this morning. I’ll look at the link, and think about it. But right now I need to go back to sleep. I’ll see you when you get home,” I responded to Chris.

As soon as I tapped the red button on my phone I was asleep. Which shows how truly overdone I was, I am not usually a sleeper when I’m stressed.

After I woke up, I decided I wasn’t going with Chris to look at the house. But ten minutes before he had to leave, I rolled myself out of bed, brushed my teeth, threw on some clothes and decided – “fine. I’ll just come”. I figured I already had my mind made up anyways, so it wouldn’t matter; it wouldn’t cause extra stress. So, off we went.

We pulled into the driveway, and I liked what I saw right away. As I walked through the house, scoping out each room, I could feel anxiety rising in my body. Crap, I thought. I like this house. I can see us here. It checks all the boxes. But, NO. I don’t want to. I do not want to move right now.

Our realtor had to leave early to head to another showing, so he locked up the house and Chris and I walked the property for a few minutes before heading out. As we walked down the driveway, I started sobbing. Emotions are at an all-time high with the loss of my dad’s presence on this earth; in that moment many layers of emotion overlapped.

Crap. We really like this house. We’re going to have to make a big decision!
I’m crushed beneath the weight of my grief as it is, how could I possibly add a GIANT life change on top of it? I don’t want to move right now.
I wish my dad were here with us right now – he would be so excited about this house.

As I sobbed, Chris’ hand in mine, I looked up at the tallest tree rustling in the wind along the driveway. With the shimmering leaves came a feeling as tangible as the wind that blew. As crazy as it may sound, I felt like my dad was walking down the driveway with us. I can picture it as if it were an actual memory – dad in jeans, a grey t-shirt tucked in, wearing his brown work boots, hands in his pockets as he looked up at the tree with me and then remarked how great this place was.

It brings tears to my eyes as I write this. Grief is such a disorienting experience. The mystery of death and the unknown of how heaven and earth overlap is mind boggling. I cannot explain that experience, and I know he wasn’t actually there, but I can tell you that it felt so real.

Making the decision to put in an offer

As you are probably aware, buying a house in the market last summer was wild. If you wanted the house, you had to put in an offer as soon as possible and be willing to offer more than asking. And you often had to sacrifice aspects of the typical homebuying process if you wanted to beat out other offers.

I am someone who does not make big decisions quickly. I need time to process, to pray, to be sure that I’m sure about the decision. So, needless to say, this was extremely stressful. Add in grief brain, which if you’ve never experienced intense grief let me tell you it’s like living in a fog, where you lose your thought mid-sentence or can’t remember if you added laundry detergent to the machine mere seconds ago.

I knew that we could not put in an offer right away. So we slept on it. Talked a lot. Prayed a lot, reached out to a few people to pray alongside us as we stormed the throne for clarity about this giant decision.

Fast forward through two stressful days full of thinking, anxiety, and praying… miraculously, the house was still on the market. Since we were still unsure, we decided to go to the Open House they were hosting and either say goodbye to the house, or put in an offer.  

When it comes to major life decisions I rely heavily on the Lord’s peace.

When we got engaged – there was peace.
When we bought our first house – there was peace.
When I made decisions regarding my career – there was peace.

Those decisions were not easy (well honestly, choosing to marry Chris was an easy one – no hesitation or doubt there). But in each one, when I cried out to the Lord for clarity, He provided peace. And I was desperate for this situation to be the same.

I pleaded with the Lord. Demanded, as much as one can demand from Him. Lord, I need you to show up in a big way. I need this to be abundantly clear – either a hard no or a hard yes.

I was carrying so much anxiety in my body from grief alone, and then add in the pressure of making this huge decision, I couldn’t imagine how I could possibly experience the peace that I craved. But I prayed, prayed, prayed that it would be so.

And friends, it was.

I had all the physical signs of anxiety as we pulled up to the house. My insides were shaky, breath was short, heart rate fast, and my palms were dripping with sweat. And again Chris and I prayed, “Lord make it clear. You have to. We need you to.”

Chris and I walked around the house together, but somewhat separately without sharing thoughts along the way. I asked the realtor different questions, pictured us in the rooms, imagined what filling the yard with my favorite people would look like and feel like. And with each step I took, the anxiety in my body dissipated.

My chest lightened. My pulse steadied. My palms dried. I could breathe deeper, more freely. What I felt in my body was peace. Palpable peace. Somehow, in a season where I feel completely lost, so foggy, so uncertain, anything but calm and clear – I had clarity.  

I can confidently proclaim that the only way that is possible is because of the Lord. That is not of me, that is not of my sensitive body. That is of the Lord. He answered our prayer miraculously and replaced my anxiety with clarity, certainty, and peace.  

We got back in the car, and I again started crying. “I think we need to put an offer in, Chris.” 

“So, do I.” He replied. 

Accepted offer

“Quick, talk to Brian. Let’s put in the offer before I panic,” I said to Chris with a laugh. 

At the open house there were many other people looking, and from how people were saying things like “that would be your room”, I was certain that we wouldn’t be the only offer on the table. We knew that if we wanted the house we had to go in swinging.

There are so many aspects of us getting the house that remain a mystery to me. So many things that can only be the Lord’s doing. One of the biggest ones being – our realtor suggested we go in under asking, ask for an inspection, appraisal, all the things you’d normally do but weren’t typical at this time in the market.

After asking several times, “Really? Are you sure? Will that be enough?” we trusted him and sent off the offer with prayer.

This part didn’t make me anxious. I felt like if we didn’t get the house then we knew it wasn’t what God had for us – that would be his way of slamming the door shut. If the Lord wants us here, the other offers won’t matter.

Kid you not, maybe a little over an hour later we got a call from our realtor telling us they accepted our offer.


I had so many questions:

  • Were the realtors in cahoots?

  • Did our realtor work some magic to make this happen?

  • Did the sellers see me sobbing down the driveway on their Ring camera and find out what happened to my dad and choose us specifically for the house?

  • Or was this completely the Lord’s doing?

No matter what involvement our realtor may have had, there is no doubt in my mind that this was the Lord’s plan. He provided over and over again. He answered our desperate cry for clarity. And he somehow got us the house under asking in what we assume was a mix of other offers.

And here’s a kicker that I found out after the fact – during our final walk through before closing, the seller’s agent told us that after they accepted our offer, another realtor called and was angry. She said, “Our client would have paid cash!” WHAT? There is no way we could have competed with that, so clearly the Lord truly carved out this space for us. I cannot get over this fact, it’s pretty wild.


Moving in this excruciating season was not easy. Try taking on two major life changes at once: losing my dad, and then moving from our first home – it’s no wonder my hair literally started falling out. Every bit was stressful and pregnant with emotion!

In the packing process, I found myself like an Israelite complaining about manna. Really, Lord? Thank you for the house you provided for us, but right now? I have to do this right now? Grieve my current house and city in addition to grieving my dad, right now? Physically pack when grief chains me to bed some mornings?

But in the midst of those fear-filled panics, in the depths of my bones I continually felt God saying, “This is what I have for you.”

Peace amidst anxiety.

Somehow, in the shakiest moments, I experienced the anthem I have declared for years. Not because of who I am, but because of who God is – our peace amidst anxiety. 

So… where are we now?

On September 11th, we packed our first home into a moving truck and made the trek from Wauwatosa to Grafton. Believe it or not, our new home is on the same street I grew up on. A two-minute drive, 12-minute walk, a mere seven country driveways down from my parents’ house.

This fact, well let’s be honest a lot of it, still shocks me.

Grafton was on our list of cities when we started the house hunt, but it wasn’t top of the list. We thought we’d land in Cedarburg or Mequon maybe. But God had other plans. He found us a house with the acreage and everything we were looking for, right down the road from my mom.

Being close to my mom, and now less than 10 minutes from my sister and her family too, has been an immense blessing in this season where we need each other more than ever. And let me tell you, my dad would have been over-the-moon excited about this move. He had been sending me links to houses he thought we should check out the week before he went to be with Jesus. I can imagine the giant smile, the way he would probably jump up and down, and maybe even shed happy tears over his dream of having his whole family within minutes of each other; it brings both tears and a smile to my face.

**Thank you so much for reading this story of how God provided this space for us. I pray that in some way it blessed you – that maybe you received an encouragement about God’s faithfulness or a reminder that He will always be our peace amidst anxiety. If you think of us, please continue to pray as we work on getting settled here, and tread forward on this unwanted journey of grief without my dad.

*pics of our first time showing the house to the family, and then our moving crew on the right