Milwaukee Photo Scavenger Hunt

Just as I predicted in my March to-do list, this month has most definitely been crazy!!!! But this month, is particularly special in it's craziness because most of it is due to the celebration of my lovely sister (shown above) who turned 30 last weekend!  In honor of this milestone birthday, she decided to not be overwhelmed by the number but instead turn it into an awesome month in which she would accomplish a bucket list of 30 random items.  I have had the pleasure of accompanying her in checking off some of these items like, going to the Milwaukee Roller derby, having dinner with our relatives, and the latest and greatest adventure- a photo scavenger hunt!  My sister, Steph, has been wanting to do a photo scavenger hunt for YEARS, and so we decided this was the year to do it.  Excited to celebrate my sister in such a fun way, I went to work on planning the event.  

From finding the perfect spot to host the event- at our friend Robert Klemm's restaurant Industri Café, to invites, RSVPs, choosing appetizers to serve, and most importantly, creating the list for the hunt, everything went off without a hitch.  

With a quick meeting at Industri at 2:00, lists and rules were distributed and the teams were off and running.  For the next hour and half, 4 teams of 4 were scattered throughout the city gathering as many photos and videos from the list that they could manage before 4:00.  Walking like ducklings in a row, acting out an earthquake scene, taking a mustache selfie, and even making an attempt at a mechanical bull are just a few of the activities you may have seen had you spotted us out in Milwaukee that day.  Here's just a taste of the craziness and fun that went down last Saturday. 

Taking a nap on a bench or chairs & "I can't believe we all fit in here!"

Team selfie wearing mustaches & another "I can't believe we all fit in here!"

All four teams completing the  "jumping on a bridge" photo with at least 3 people in mid-air

In case you can't already tell from these images, let me tell you it was a BLAST.  Finishing as many items as possible and racing back to Industri by 4:00, we gathered for drinks, appetizers and a viewing of the results.  Many laughs were shared as we viewed each team's pictures and videos, and tallied the scores. It was so much fun to see what everyone came up with, and most importantly to see my sister thoroughly enjoying the celebration.  (Not to mention, it was in fact my team that pulled out the win!! woohoo!) 

If you've never done a photo scavenger hunt… I highly recommend it.  It was a great way to get out into our city, be a little crazy, and celebrate with friends.  

Want to plan one?  Here's a few recommendations:

  • Set a time limit.  This keeps it from getting too long, anyone from getting bored, and brings the group back together.
  • Make a list with both photos and videos.  The videos were pretty fun to watch.
  • Mix in some location specific assignments.  It was fun to have a chance to be explore Milwaukee, and also run into the other teams at different points through the hunt.  (Note: We used cars for our hunt.  That way we had more flexibility to be all over the city.)
  • View the photos/videos as a group!!!! What's the point of capturing the images if no one else will see them?? This was a highlight.

Need some more ideas?  Here's the list that I came up with.  It's a mix of ideas from my own head, as well as others that I found online.  If you happen to love it, feel free to use it!  Then tell me how it went, I'd love to hear about it.  

I am so glad that my sister put this item on her birthday bucket list - it was a highlight of my month, and an activity I look forward to planning again in the future. 

Thanks for tagging along- now go plan your own hunt!! 
