The heart behind lovemin

When I started this blog 2 years ago, (wow can’t believe it’s been so long!!) I wasn’t too concerned about a name.  Not knowing much about blogging, what I wanted the space to be, and figuring that me, myself, and I would be the only ones reading it… I decided to name it exactly what it was, “New to me.”   I knew that was pretty boring, and since I was a French minor and well, everything sounds better in French (right?) I called my space Nouvelle a Moi. Plain and simple.  And then there was my description…

“In some ways I compare my new stage in life to arriving on Pandora in the movie Avatar (I’m not as dorky as this makes me sound, I swear). It is a beautiful place, full of beautiful amazing things- and yet there are aspects of it that are frightening, and almost everything about it is new. This blog is a way to help me figure out what this new place looks like- I have no idea what to expect, but plan to enjoy as much as I can.”

Go ahead and giggle at me. Reading that, I’m laughing right along with you. As you might be able to tell, I had a slight obsession with Avatar. Seriously, I loved that movie. And for whatever reason, apparently I felt really connected with it at the time, hah.

Besides giving myself a little laugh, looking back shows me how far my space has come, and how much I have grown since it’s beginning. Realizing that my blog was much more than just a random outlet - I decided it was time for a new name. I wanted it to be more than just what I was feeling at that time in life (Avatar, hello) and instead, be more of an extension of who I am. I wanted it to be true to me, who I want to be, and what I hope my blog will be.

Looking for a name that did a good job of that, one that I wanted to be near and dear to my heart, took F.O.R.E.V.E.R. I’m terrible at naming things and wanted it to be just right. So, after much thought and many random ideas, lovemin found its way into my heart.

I shared the unveiling with you back when I first named the space, but now that I’ve officially switched over with a new logo and made my home- it feels like time to share the heart behind the name.

Here’s what lovemin is to me: 

  • a play on the idea of "love, Mindy"
    All my blog posts are written from my heart, with love. I want people to feel loved when they stop by my page
  • a play on my nickname of Min
    my name is Mindy, but those close to me often refer to me as Min… meaning I'll get personal and be real with you on my blog.  
  • a play on sounding out the name as "love ‘em in" – as in, ‘love them in’ to the Kingdom.

This last one is the one that sold me on the name, because it gets to the real heart of the reason that I write. Let me explain. I believe that God loves us so much that He sent his Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross and save us from sin through His resurrection. And I believe that we have a loving God who He wants us to be a part of sharing His story and proclaiming His love with the world so that one day everyone might come to know Him. That’s a huge part of my heart, and ultimately the reason that I write- that’s the reason I live the way I do- And that’s my goal, to love others into His kingdom.

That is why lovemin is so near and dear to my heart; it is a reminder that just as my life is not all about me, I don’t want this space to be either. It’s about loving others in to His Kingdom. Having that name smack dab at the top of my blog, in my url, on my business cards and what-have-you, is a good reminder of all that I want this space to be- and of the creator who shows me His love each and every day, even when I don’t deserve it.

Sharing the heart behind lovemin , I hope that you have a greater understanding of who I am, and what you’re going to get when you visit this space. It is most definitely not going to be perfect, or clean-cut, or all about butterflies and roses, because life is messy and it is hard. But what you will find is this- words from a girl who writes from her heart, who will get personal and be real with you, and who wants you to leave knowing that you’re loved.
