Going Gluten-Free


I’ve officially made it past the one-month mark of being gluten-free! And that feels worth celebrating. 

I’m a girl who loves bread, pasta, beer, donuts, basically all things gluten, so I was not thrilled when my naturopathic doctor recommended the shift in my diet. But, when she said it could play a role in preventing an autoimmune disorder down the road, I easily decided that is well worth the adjustment.

I do not typically make changes without lots and lots of research first. I’m known to read a gazillion reviews on Amazon before I buy something as simple as a backpack; I’m a researcher to a fault. So I shocked myself when I went into this big change without a plan. Although it was uncomfortable at times, it was freeing.

There’s been so much change rippling its way through my life as of late - a new nephew, my sister and her family moved from being two-minutes away to 30, plus all the pandemic adjustments – that when this gluten-free shift came into play I thought to myself, “Another change? Really? Well, let’s hurry up and get it over with already.”

At the time I was frustrated. I thought, “Really Lord? Now?” but in hindsight His perfect timing is what enabled me to think less and simply jump in. And it made the shift much less dramatic.

Here I am one month out, and although there were a few weeks of what felt like gluten withdrawal (yeah… apparently that is truly a thing) I feel settled, and I might, just might, be starting to physically feel a little better too. 

The other night my husband randomly applauded me as he dropped some gluten-free noodles into the pot to make homemade spaghetti. He said, “babe, I’m really proud of you for the way you just went for it. You didn’t complain, you dove in head first and you’ve been rocking it ever since.” This was such sweet affirmation.

Without realizing it, I relinquished control over this dietary shift and simply rode the waves of change into a new way of life. I’m locking this experience in my memory – reminding myself that change doesn’t always have to be hard and heavy, it can be smooth and light too.

I think that’s a testament to the Lord, and what life is like with Jesus. Matthew 11:29-30 says, “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Even though life with Jesus is not without trouble (He guarantees it won’t be) the burden is always lighter because He sustains us through it all.

Whatever waves of change you find yourself riding on today, let me encourage you that the more you relinquish control and press in to our wonderful savior, the lighter you’ll feel.

P.S. If you’re making the shift to being GF let me assure you - I’ve found some delicious GF beers, cookies, and am starting to find my way around some new recipes too! If you’re making the switch, don’t lose hope! There is goodness to be found in the gluten-free world!