A virtual Christmas card from us to you - 2021
Read MorePanic attacks wreaked my body several times a day when my family members got Covid during the pandemic and fear ran rampant. This post talks about the panic that almost wrecked me, and how I fought through to find peace.
Read MoreIn a season where I’m constantly asking, “How long until this struggle is over, Lord?” I’m pressing in to the messy middle and learning to rely on God.
Read MoreA post about how comparison, or our own unrealized, unmet expectations, is a contentment killer. And how to quit the comparison game.
Read MoreThe beginning of my gluten-free journey.
Read MoreIf you’re craving clarity or affirmation regarding next steps in your life, read this post that talks through Abram’s story and provides a tip for when you’re question next steps. You will be encouraged and empowered to relinquish control and take your next step in confidence.
Read MoreWhat if taking a breath was the secret sauce to finding strength in all areas of life? The more we practice this simple act of taking a breath in the transition – the more we open ourselves up to experience the stillness and strength that comes from knowing Christ Jesus.
Read MoreWhy I chose Stillness as my word for 2021 - This world is a mess. The brokenness, chaos, and unrest is mounting. BUT, the stillness we get to experience through Jesus is what enables us to not only withstand anything that comes our way but also find rest and peace right in the midst of it.
Read MoreReflecting on 2020 and sharing five lessons I learned.
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